
Froney and Chris sometime around 1990.

Guys from college at Brian's wedding: John, me, Pete, Neil, and Jim.

At 60 Park St., roommate Izanec with a hammer.

Four dopey guys at the beach after graduation from high school, June 1990: Dego, Dan, Froney, Jamie.

Mike and Pete (with hand) at a party at 60 Park St. Dave can be seen in the background.

Pete after a party at 60 Park St.

Doron at Spooky World, Fall 1995(?). We got caught in the rain waiting in an endless line to get in, and Doron was forced to buy a "Spooky World Poncho" to keep his leather jacket from getting wet. He wasn't happy. It was a disaster all around. Even Tiny Tim sucked.

Malcolm in his apartment in Sydney, September 1997.

Jim and I at our 5th college reunion at Williams College, June 1999.

My cousin Chad and stepbrother Dale, June 1999.

Mike Kempster, Charley French, me, and Dan Greenwood at the Reading Phillies, August 2002. This was out in the left field bar deck, where Yuengling is served. It was hot that day.

Kurt and Froney at Chris Endy's wedding in Los Angeles, June 2003.

Same wedding: Froney demonstrating the artistic subtleties of drawing pictures of Elmo, Big Bird, Ernie, and Bert.

Froney, Dan, and Chris on New Year's Eve, December 2004.

...and again July 2024 (a decade later).

Froney and Scott at Haverford graduation, May 2006.

Mini Conestoga reunion (party), May 2009. From left to right: E., Yvonne, Amy, Kevin, Will, Froney, Dan, Kurt, Kal, Donna.

At the 20th year Conestoga reunion in October 2010: Helene, Froney, Dawn, and Dan.

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