Some information about midterm exam #1 is listed on the exam cover sheet I handed out. If you did not get one of these, come see me and I can give you a copy. By popular vote, I will remain in class during the exam so that you can quickly ask me about potentially confusing wording etc. on the exam. This will maximize the time you can spend on doing the exam itself. Some other bits of information about the exam: The exam will cover Hecht Ch. 1 to 4, corresponding to lectures from Aug 30 - Sep 20 on the syllabus. This exam will cover material from HW #1 through HW #4. I will hand out a packet of review material and practice problems in class on Friday (which includes a midterm exam from a previous year). If you do not get one of these, stop by and pick on up from my office. We will aim to have a review session during class on Mon Sep 27 (assuming we can get far enough ahead in the lecture material). NOTE HOWEVER: In case we can't get far enough ahead in the lecture material, we will have to hold the review session from 6-7 p.m. on Mon Sep 27 in H109. If you are on a sports team, just try to leave practice early to come sit in for the review session. Please come prepared with questions to ask about how to solve problems or conceptual issues. This is the time for you to clear up any last minute problems before the test!