Galactic longitude and latitude plot of known pulsars (blue crosses), beams observed (grey points), and beams processed (red, orange, yellow, green points). Beams processed are colour-coded based on the percentage of candidates in that beam that have been classified. The top plot is the Inner Galaxy. The bottom plot is the Anti-Centre.
Colour-code for processed beams:
Red: 0% - 10% classifiedPostScript: Processing Progress
Orange: 10% - 25% classified
Yellow: 25% - 50% classified
Green: 50% - 100% classified
The grey histogram shows total number of candidates not marked as RFI per frequency bin (this includes all unclassified candidates). The pink histogram shows total number of candidates marked as RFI per frequency bin. The black points are candidates not marked as RFI (this also includes all unclassified candidates). The red points are candidates marked as RFI.
PostScript: RFIDM vs. Frequency plot similar to the RFI plot, except without histograms. The black points are candidates not marked at RFI (this includes all unclassified candidates). The red points are candidates marked as RFI.
PostScript: DM vs. FrequencyText information includes total number of beams processed, total number of beams from grid pointings processed, total number of candidates produced and total number of candidates produced from grid pointing beams. The table summarizes the classifications by user. The plot shows the maximum PRESTO sigma of an unclassified candidate for each beam.
PostScript: Processing and Classifications